Delicious - Filming with Domingo Pizza

People who know me know that I have a love for food and all things coffee related … The later I’ll save for another day, but I just had to share with you a quick story about an old friend of mine whom I haven’t seen for a few years!

Rick and I used to work together helping budding models build their portfolios. Rick had great contacts with the local nightclubs, which, for the majority of the week were completely empty. I was developing my studio photography skills particularly in this area so it was a great relationship, and we were lucky to be able to shoot in some amazing, and unique studio locations.

That is all very much in the past now, and since moving back to the Manchester area, I thought I would get in touch and have a quick catch up. Rick still does a lot of photography work, and, to my surprise is also the owner and only chef at Domingo Pizza UK … Diversify or die I guess.

Anyway, this is a ‘just for fun’ promo video I did for him when I went round for a catch up the other day culminating in a delicious ‘freestyle’ pizza, which I now call ‘the Glenn’. Enjoy!

DELICIOUS  |  Domingo Pizza UK © Glenn Bailey

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Video isn’t something I do a lot of, in fact this is right up there as one of my first. However, it is something I’m interested in doing more of, so who knows what might come next? I guess this is my way of diversifying. Regardless, I’m always happy to do more if at the end of it I get fed!